Searching for Ron Britvich (part 3) (continued)
Roderick C. Moyes
RB: "I don't think I need any of it. It's not like food…"
DV: " It can and can not bring you individual satisfaction, but there are other things that can do that as well."
RB: "It's an outlet for creativity though."
DV: "But there are other outlets for creativity..."
RB: "Right, but it's the most powerful outlet for creativity that I've ever come across."
RM: "So, you have an interesting relationship with technology. Especially you Danny… no TV, no radio, everything you know about the outside world comes to you through your computer."
DV: "I don't even have a VCR. I can't wait until I don't even need to rent DVD's… I can just download them, if there's enough people out there that have all the movies ever created floating around on some Napster like server, then I'll never get another DVD either (Laughing)."
RM: "That's something I hadn't thought to ask you guys, how do you feel about Napster?"
DV: "We have a lot of thought on that. We'll go out to lunch and talk about all sorts of things and that's just one of them."