The Moyes Report

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Searching for Ron Britvich (part 2) (continued)
Roderick C. Moyes

DV: "Yeah, I think at some point the two will come together to where you won't know if it's a person or a machine helping you."

RM: "So, AskEarth isn't a search engine then?"

RB: "No, it allows users to get connected to any number of people that might be able to help them with a question or maybe find something they are looking for."

RM: "How is it different from a conventional search then?"

RB: "Because the answers come to you… but only the answers you want. When you make your request it only goes out to people who have knowledge in that area. If you're looking for say… legal advice, your question only goes out to people who are either lawyers or in the legal field. So instead of getting back thousands of search results that might not be any help, you get back only the answers you were looking for."

DV: "We feel like this is the way the Internet is supposed to be… we were always really attracted to any sort of distributed network… something where the people that use the network actually create it. AskEarth is like distributed intelligence. It's a way of getting through the technology to get to the human brain on the other side of it."

RM: "There are a few sites out there that are doing something similar. How do you guys feel about having competition so early on in the project."

RB: "When we first started on this there was nobody doing anything like it. It's just like any other good idea though. If you can think of it, someone else probably already has. We are still doing things differently from everybody else though. I think ours is the best way because it will be the individual users that make it grow and get constantly better."

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